We Are Here to Inform and Educate.

If you're a critical thinker who's considering LASIK or another form of vision correction surgery (PRK, LASEK, SMILE, ICL, etc), you came to the right place. As you know, LASIK is not a risk-free surgery, and the decision to have LASIK should not be taken lightly. Our content is not influenced by financial bias one way or the other. We aim to provide the risk-benefit balance that's largely missing from websites operated by surgeons who perform LASIK.

Who We Are

This website is operated by private citizens who have been negatively affected by LASIK. We receive no corporate or industry support. In other words, unlike eye surgeons who sell LASIK surgery, we have no financial interest whatsoever in your decision to have LASIK or not.

Our History

We saw a huge unmet need for financially-unbiased information about LASIK and other forms of elective refractive eye surgery. Ophthalmologists who perform these surgeries are more interested in selling surgeries than in a patient's right to be fully informed.
Buyer beware!

Our Mission

Our mission is to raise awareness of the risks, side effects and long-term consequences of LASIK and other forms of vision correction surgery. This website is intended to be the balance to the thousands of websites and social media pages that hype the benefits of LASIK while downplaying risks.

Doctors Warn of Dangers of Lasik

Doctors and other medical professionals are coming forward to give their professional “warnings” about Lasik eye surgery.

“I am a physician… I was evaluated and felt to be a good candidate for LASIK surgery… I am now being evaluated for corneal transplant in both eyes… I believe LASIK should be withdrawn.” Report filed with FDA.

“The biggest regret of my life is not finding your site before having this horrible procedure done.” Email from a physician.

“Who in their right mind would want to undergo LASIK after viewing these photos?” Email from an eye doctor.

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Get in Touch

We want to hear from you. Share your experience here. If you are having medical problems after LASIK, please seek the advice of a physician.

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